Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Sex Swing: Have Sex Like Tarzan

Courtesy of Tumblr

Feeling that you need something a little more adventurous in your own home? This over-the-door swing is easy to store and surprisingly sturdy. It will make the usual stand and carry sex a lot more fun! All you need is a sturdy door.

Courtesy of Google
A proper sex swing set takes up a lot of space and the frame is a bit too obvious unless you have a discreet fun room. The over-the-door version is a lot more versatile and easy to set up. My husband and I used this at a hotel (naughty trips!), and it was really easy to set up. Getting on wasn't hard at all -- just have your hubby help you by giving you some support. Put on foot in as you sit on the 'seat' and pull yourself up by the hand straps while your hubby holds you tight, and then put your other foot in. This is really sturdy and I felt completely safe on it despite being a couple of feet (about a meter for our metric readers) off the ground!

Imagine the whole weight of gravity resting on your G-Spot as your lover constantly pounds it. This thing is awesome. It got me so wet; the thrill of being taken hard against the wall definitely adds to the horny feelin ;) You could do this without the straps if your man can hold you up, but we've found this allows us to go much longer and with more comfort for both of us. I was actually butt plugged when my hubby put me on this, and we found that the position makes your pelvis very nice and relaxed so you can wear a bigger plug if you want -- makes for an even more fuller feeling!

It did make the door creak a bit (hehe) but you'll be moaning much louder so no worries. This also leaves your man's hands free -- let your imagination take you away there -- and the seat's really comfortable. I have fairly wide hips (I'm about 5' 10" or 178 cm if that helps you get an idea), and this fit me just fine. The hand grips are less comfortable since they're not covered, but you can hold onto your hubby and it should do the trick.

Creak away everyone :D

His Take: Pound your wife like Tarzan men! Definitely get this if you have sturdy doors!

Her Take: Hold on ladies! And I don't mean to just the straps ;)

We would get this on Amazon -- we haven't found anywhere cheaper yet: Buy Here

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