Monday, October 29, 2012

Yume Edible Body Butter: Become a Sexy, Tasty Treat!

Courtesy of

Edible body butter just adds so much fun to your foreplay. I got them for my husband to massage all over me and suddenly I become a tasty sweet treat for him to lick! He especially likes putting them on my breasts and nipples -- the butter somehow makes me more sensitive and he has me arching my back and moaning in no time -- not to mention that it's good for your skin, too!

The butter instantly melts to your body heat and is very easy to smooth over your body. We're not sure if we'd recommend using it down there since it has some sugar, but it's definitely sexy to add some flavor to your breasts and your inner thighs :) They come in all sorts of flavors, and we were able to order custom ones as well (we got flavors that weren't even listed -- all you have to do is ask them!) They claim to be in Whole Foods as well, but I'm not sure if they carry it overseas where some of our readers are -- I'm sure they could accommodate international shipping, though. Get some and become a tasty delight for foreplay! With Halloween coming up, maybe you can be your lover's sweet treat ;)

The customer service is great, and their online store can be found here: Yume Blush Edible Body Butter

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