Tuesday, February 12, 2013

RealTouch Interactive: The Ultimate Toy for Men

Courtesy of Bing

The good folks at RealTouch sent me a full RealTouch package to review (Thank You Very Much RealTouch!), and after having tested it, I'm thoroughly convinced that this is in a league of its own when it comes to toys for men. Women have swaths of toys to play with, but finding a great toy for men can be a challenge. I believe that this is the best male toy ever made; it really has no competition because it is so unique. Read on for more :)

Courtesy of RealTouch
To be frank, I'm not even sure where to begin. The RealTouch has so many capabilities that it's difficult to pinpoint the best component of it. I think should begin by explaining what the device does. It's a state of the art system that syncs up with either a pre-synced porno available on the RealTouch Network or a webcam girl (I'll explain more of that later). The two belts inside the device, coupled with the orifice opening that tightens and loosens according to every detail of the porno, provide a smooth, buttery soft texture while preserving that tight grip. And I haven't even gotten to the coolest part yet. The RealTouch Device lubricates itself and heats itself to mimic body temperatures. Let that sink in for a moment. All you do is put your erect penis in this thing, and the belts kick into motion syncing with the porno (or webcam girl), masturbating you while you sit back in pleasure. While you're just relaxing and lying back feeling good, the clever system lubricates itself according to the video, and heats itself too. Wow. I was blown away by the concept, and even more blown away by the product itself. The RealTouch people call this 'haptic-response' system, but I prefer to call it 'the awesome system.'

I took the RealTouch Device for a spin by syncing it up to one of the famous Sasha Grey's pornos that I found on the RealTouch Network (they have a huge selection of synced pornos that work with the Device), and the details are staggering. The device makes the orifice tight when the male pornstar puts his penis inside of the girl, immediately following up with lubricant and enthusiastic heating that makes you feel like you're really inside a pornstar. This is done so seamlessly that you actually feel like you're that very male pornstar. After about 10 seconds, you actually feel like you're the one that's doing all the motions. The thrusting, the teasing, and everything from pauses to non-stop pounding -- just think of it as 3-D glasses for your penis. All the pleasurable things in the video comes to life. The belts inside the Device make thrusting motions for you, and a horny pornstar is moaning at you to thrust harder. And the Device proceeds to do so. Just fantastic!

The RealTouch changes itself according to which orifice of the pornstar you're in -- whether it's oral, vaginal, or anal. Did I mention that when the pornstar swirls her tongue on the penis for oral, it actually feels like that in the Device? Yeah. It's that good. And did I mention when you enter, the tightness and the sucking-in sensation of a real lady's vagina or anus is mirrored by the Device? Yup. That too. The list goes on and on about how real the Device actually is. I would say it's about 85% close to actually having sex in terms of what it feels like inside, which is pretty darn amazing for a device made of plastic and silicone. I feel like this makes for a very fun session of masturbation, if it can be called that anymore. The sensations are so life-like, from the wetness to the warmth, that I want to call it quasi-sex than anything else. Welcome to the digital age, gents -- and what a great age it is.

Courtesy of RealTouch
Now you're probably wondering what else this possibly could do. The geniuses at RealTouch came up with an idea -- why not have a webcam model actually have sex with you over the internet? So they created RealTouch Interactive, where you can set up actual dates with actual models who have a haptic-response penis on their end (The RealTouch Device is a haptic response orifice device, essentially). When the model sucks, licks, grabs, or sticks their end of the RealTouch system, you feel it immediately in your RealTouch Device. It is unbelievable. Being married to my wonderful wife, I declined the offer to try this service out, but I am confident that having tested the Device with just pornos, that this will be a great experience for anyone who wants to try. And just the fact that I declined to try the Interactive service should tell you something -- this Device is so good that the RealTouch Interactive service could actually make me feel like I'm cheating.

Courtesy of RealTouch
While I was given the RealTouch Device and all the bells and whistles that make it awesome, I do know that this is probably expensive for a lot people. The initial price tag is $350 ($200 on sale until 2/18), and this includes the Device, 10 free videos, and 120 Video On Demand minutes (among some other goodies); after you've spent those, the pornos on the RealTouch Network are $30 to buy and $10 to rent for 7 days; the Video On Demand minutes you can buy to view just sections of pornos start at $15. The webcam girl dates start at around $25 and go all the way up to $300+. This means that you can easily spend thousands of dollars if you have regular dates with a webcam girl. Personally, this makes me inclined to recommend it to 1) Single men who are at the moment too busy to date 2) Married women who want to gift their husbands a 'gift-that-keeps-on-giving' 3) Married men who want to treat themselves to some good masturbation time (ask your wife first?). Given that these are the three categories of people that usually have that kind of disposable income, and given that these are the people that want reliable sources of pleasure the most, I think that's a fairly good recommendation. And for the married couples out there that are considering this -- if you have ground rules like my wife and I do (porn's OK, no webcam girls), then it shouldn't be an issue. The Device can do as much as you want it to and no more. My wife and I still have sex way more than either of us masturbates, and the RealTouch Device (or any other toy for either of you for that matter) really won't detract from your sex life as long as you have a loving relationship where you communicate well. Just talk to each other and be honest about what you want!

The RealTouch Device sounds so awesome that it's difficult to imagine anything wrong with it. Are there shortcomings? Yes. The device sounds like an inkjet printer from the early 2000s when it's in operation; there are three different wires you have to mess around with (including the giant, heavy gauge one you have to use to connect the device to its tower); it's a bulky, heavy thing where some of the plastic components don't really fit as snugly as you would like to in a device worth an iPod. But! More importantly -- Do I care about these shortcomings? Not in the least. Let me tell you why. For me, I masturbate when my wife is too tired for sex but I'm horny, or she's out of town on business; she doesn't mind me using toys and porn to help me feel good. I've tried other male toys, but this one just feels so good. It's the best! And I realize that it's an investment. It's asking yourself, do you want a nice little Japanese compact car that will get you where you need to go and be 'good enough,' or do you want a Ferrari that will have you at the edge of your seat every time you pull out of the driveway? The RealTouch Device is that Ferrari. That means it may not be for everyone, whether it be because of the price or because of some personal reasons. At the same time, if you can afford it, there's really no reason not to have it. This device makes you a connoisseur of pleasure. I think the creators at RealTouch are aware of this, and have designed it specifically for those people that want to take a Ferrari of a male toy for a spin. It will gift you with awesome pleasure every single time you use it; the little things that seem pesky at first just melt away after you try it for the first time. I really can't see anyone regret buying this. So -- in conclusion, take my advice and get it right now :)

Oh and it's on sale for just $199 until February 18, 2013 -- It's a great deal :D

Buy Here!

Here's a video of Scott Rinaldo at RealTouch giving you the basics as well: