Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fleshlight Butt Super Tight: Hand is Now Obsolete.

Courtesy of Fleshlight
Since my hubby's been getting me sex toys for quite some time now, it occurred to me that I'd never returned the favor; apparently, he hadn't thought about it either. Our sex life is great (and frequent, may I say), but there are days when I'm not in the mood or if we're traveling for work. My hubby was content with his hand for solo play this whole time, but I thought I'd treat him to a couple of Fleshlights (Another one's for Christmas so we'll tell you about that after). This is his review on the Fleshlight Butt Super Tight!

Courtesy of Google

Before I begin my review, I just wanted to say that when my wife was plotting away to get me some of these 'male masturbatory aids' I was more than a skeptic. My hand had been entrusted with that task for some time (although, considerably less since my wife and I met!); I was rather distrustful of that pink spongy-looking thing that was supposed to feel like some lady's orifices. Nevertheless, my wife got me this Butt Fleshlight with Super Tight texture, and I decided to give it a shot (I still don't know what the other one is since she hid it for Christmas).

The Super Tight Butt Fleshlight is about 4 inches wide at the front, and the anus itself is about a 1/4" wide at the opening, while the internal orifice is about 1/5." It is about 9.5" long, so it should accommodate most everybody. The build quality is great, although they could've used better packaging for shipping (it looks like those plastic things they ship apples in). It's surprisingly heavier than I thought it would be -- I for some reason thought it would be featherlight, but it's around 3 pounds or so.

Might I say: My hand is now obsolete. I can't believe it! While my hand weeps in the corner, let me describe what put him there. While the Fleshlight doesn't have the intricate textures and warmths that my wife does, it makes for a more nuanced masturbation (I never thought I would put those words next to each other, but there it is). It is incredibly soft. The butt cheeks are fleshy and soft, and while the orifice itself, while lacking the tightness of the normal anal sphincter, is evenly tight and soft all throughout; it's like your penis is being massaged all over. The Fleshlight sucks your penis in ever so gently and you can thrust it as hard as you want, greeted by the soft cheeks every time you fill it with your penis. It was strange having a sensation very close to sex without my wife being there -- and all powered by my hand! Yes, my hand still retains some use for masturbation, even though this is more of an arm driven thing now. Yes, it's not as tight as your hand will be; yes, it's surprisingly weighty (makes for a good paperweight). But after my wife, this is the next best thing.

Apparently you can sprinkle corn starch on it to keep it soft, and you should only use water-based lube for it. Other that and properly washing it after use and drying it before storage, this is really easy to use and take care of. I'm really glad my wife got me this. It's not even close to the pleasure she and I share together, but it's definitely way better than masturbating with my hand. I would get this if you (or your lover) travels a lot -- it'll keep you entertained quite well!

Ladies, get these for your men. And men, prepare to make your hand obsolete. Because this is awesome.

Buy Here!

1 comment:

  1. Great fleshlight for those who love anal sex, can give you that ultimate real pleasure.
